Battle Tribes. Eat food. Play Games. Hang with Friends. Worship God and hear great preaching. Our yearly youth camp retreat is back and coming up end of February, click here for more info + registration!

merge is daystar's youth program
Calling all youth and young adults! Merge will be every Monday, 7pm-9pm. Merge is our youth ministry program for everyone and anyone grade 7-12. We play games, eat food, have youth led worship and hear awesome sermons that relate to teens. Young adults ages 18-19 are welcome as well, our young adults spilt off from the main group and have their own discussion time together. We’d love to have you come out, see you there!

On Friday, January 17 we are having a Merge Mob Night! Every mob (small group) will be doing their own event together. Some groups might choose laser tag, some might have go a nerf war, some might have an art night! Every group will be meeting at 6:30pm at the church and heading out from there with their leaders. If you'd like more information about what a specific group is doing, please fill out the contact form below!