daystar women

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Wednesday Morning Moms + Kids Group

each session runs for a set number of weeks
Wednesday mornings |  9:30 A.M.

Mom Life is a morning gathering for moms of all ages and stages. Connect, pray, study and get deep into issues that face mothers. Childcare is available!
no registration needed. just come!
Winter 2025 Sessions: 
January 8 - February 5 
and February 26 - March 19

Spring 2025 Session:
April 9 - May 7

Women in the Word

tuesday evening women's in-depth bible study

Women in the Word is a weekly, online and in person, in-depth bible study facilitated by our Women’s Ministry leaders. Together we want to dig deeper into the Word of God and learn to study and apply the truths and treasures about who God is and what that means for us.

Tuesday, 7:00 PM | Online and In-Person

Next Study: To be announced...

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