FIVE loaves

Feeding Our Community and Congregation

Request a meal for a person in need

Five Loaves is able to provide meals upon request for those who attend Daystar. If someone is facing illness, bereavement or other serious life interruption, please contact us with the details.

We are Five Loaves, the Food Ministry in Daystar Church
Founded in December 2021.

Our Vision

We are the hands and feet of Jesus.

Our Mission

We give food to those in Daystar Church who are experiencing life events.
We bless the homeless with food in Leduc and Edmonton area.

What We Do

We make food with our one hand and give it away with the other hand.

We use the Daystar kitchen to make large quantities of food.

Our volunteers also make food upon special request in their homes.

Our Food

we have several different recipes: lasagna, shepherd's pie, taco casserole and chili.
we have small, medium and family-sized meals.

Our Events

We hold a cooking event almost every month.

We also send a team of 6-12 people to Edmonton right after the cooking event to distribute meals, coffee and water to the homeless.

Upcoming Cooking and Prep Events:

are usually held a few times a year
on a Saturday from 9Am - 1PM

Keep an eye on our events page for any upcoming five loaves events
and then register to attend.  hope to see you there!

How Can I Sign Up?

Fill out the form below - we'll add you to our event invite list

How Can I Help?

We can accept certain grocery items, please email us at

Contact Us

get involved with five loaves today!

”But someone will say, 'You have faith, and I have works.' Show me your faith without your works,
and I will show you my faith by my works”

James 2:18