Our goal in ReaLiving is to develop Spirit-filled leaders and ministers. Your ongoing spiritual and personal growth is a high priority. This is the reasoning, heart and philosophy behind the standards outlined below. We believe that in order to achieve this goal and fulfill our commitment to you, accountability is needed. This is accomplished informally by peers or leaders, but also happens pastorally through pastors and mentors. It is important to note the ReaLiving conduct standards are rooted in the Biblical teachings and church traditions that reflects our beliefs. We believe that these standards will help growth in your spiritual and personal life. Daystar expects all students enrolled to strive towards upholding these conduct standards both during and outside of ReaLiving. We don't expect students to be perfect, but we expect them to work towards Christlikeness.
Every Follower of Jesus Is Expected To…
1. Embrace a lifestyle that reflects the teachings of Jesus, demonstrating through actions and words (1 Peter 3:15, Matthew 5:13-16), while prioritizing regular prayer and aligning actions with Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18; James 5:16; Titus 2:8).
2. Show that there is evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in their lives (Galatians 5:22-23)
3. Acknowledge and honor the inherent dignity of every individual as unique reflections of God's image, from conception to death (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 8:3-8, Psalm 139:13-16).
4. Embrace what is deemed good by God and reject what is considered evil (Amos 5:15; Romans 12:9b, 6:19).
5. Flee from all forms of sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18) and uphold the sacredness of marriage (Hebrews 13:4).
6. Exercise wisdom in managing time, thoughts, and physical health as faithful stewards (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Timothy 4:8a).
Every ReaLiving Student Is Expected To …
1. Avoid engaging in any activities or behaviors that could cause spiritual, psychological, or physical harm to oneself or others. Students participating in the ReaLiving program are prohibited from possessing or using alcohol, cannabis, tobacco products, vaping devices, or any other substances prone to misuse.
2. Avoid engaging in any type of betting or gambling, whether it be in public settings or privately.
3. Avoid from engaging with any type of pornographic content, including viewing, reading, or listening to it.
4. Avoid any actions or identification that go against the biblical concept of God's original and continuous plan for humanity, which involves two distinct sexes, male and female. This guideline is rooted in the belief that human sexuality and gender are essential aspects of biblical cosmology, not just moral teachings. Because of human sin and imperfection, our understanding and experience of our sex and gender may deviate from God's intended design. Given this perspective on creation, the fall, and redemption, we do not support resolving conflicts between one's biological sex and gender identity by adopting an identity that contradicts one's birth sex.
5. Only have sexual intimacy with their spouse.
6. Abstain from engaging in any manner of physical, emotional, or verbal mistreatment directed towards another person or collective.
7. Refrain from viewing or using of any occult material.
8. Be wise with encounters with the opposite sex. It would be unwise for an unmarried student to be alone with someone of the opposite sex in their place of residence, vehicle, or any private location. It would be wise to always remain in public locations with other people around if hanging out with someone of the opposite sex. If married, it would be unwise to be alone with someone of the opposite sex other than your spouse.
9. Dress modestly. Your choices in appearance should be guided by the principles outlined in 1 Corinthians 8-9.